مركز مراحل العلاج

Sensory integration skills

At Therapy Stages Center, we understand the importance of sensory integration in a child’s development and its profound impact on their interaction with the world around them.

That’s why we are committed to providing specialized treatment programs to enhance and develop sensory integration skills in children of all ages.

What are sensory integration skills?

Sensory integration skills are a vital part of a child’s development, and include the ability to effectively use, organize, interpret, and respond to sensory information from the surrounding environment. 

These skills include:

Balance and motor coordination

The ability to maintain balance and coordinate physical movements smoothly.

Sensory differentiation

The ability to distinguish between different senses such as touch, smell, taste, hearing, and vision.

Sensory organization

The ability to organize and process sensory inputs effectively to achieve focus and effective learning

The role of occupational therapy in developing sensory integration skills

At Therapy Stages Center, we provide specialized treatment programs to enhance and develop sensory integration skills in children, through:

Comprehensive assessment

We assess the child’s abilities in the areas of sensory integration and identify areas that need development.

Specialized Training

We offer training and activities designed to improve balance, coordination and sensory regulation.

Guidance and Support for Parents

We offer guidance and support for parents on how to support their child’s sensory integration skills development at home and in other everyday settings

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