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Role of physical therapy in the treatment of neurological diseases in children

Neurological diseases in children are common health challenges that can greatly affect the life of the child and his family.

In this article, we will discuss the most important causes that may lead to their occurrence and how physical therapy can help in treating them.

Firstly: What are the causes of neurological diseases in children?

Neurological diseases in children can be caused by several different factors, and the most common causes include:

Congenital malformations

Some neurological diseases can be caused by congenital abnormalities in the normal nervous system of the fetus during pregnancy.

Genetic diseases

Some neurological conditions are hereditary, meaning they can be passed from parents to children through genes.

Neurological injuries

Injuries to the nervous system can occur as a result of accidents, sports injuries, or violence, leading to various neurological diseases.

Inflammatory diseases

These include inflammatory diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis, which can affect the function of the nervous system.

Brain tumors

The presence of tumors in the brain can affect nerve communication and nerve function, leading to neurological symptoms.

Seizures and psychological disorders

Some conditions such as epilepsy, nervous seizures, and psychological disorders can lead to neurological diseases in children.


Ischemia can damage nerve tissue due to poor blood and oxygen supply to the brain.

At Therapy Stages Center, we fully understand the challenges faced by children with neurological diseases, which is why we aim to provide specialized physical therapy programs that help them improve their quality of life and reduce the potential complications of these diseases.

Secondly: How does physical therapy help in treating neurological diseases?

Physiotherapy techniques help treat all neurological diseases and problems in children through:

Improving motor control

Physical therapy includes exercises and techniques designed to improve motor control and the ability to perform daily activities with confidence and ease.

Improving balance and coordination

Balance and coordination exercises are included in physical therapy programs, helping to improve a child’s ability to walk and interact with the environment normally.

Muscle strengthening

Exercises are designed to strengthen damaged or weak muscles, helping to support the skeleton and improve overall movement and function.

Pain relief

Physical therapy uses techniques such as massage and targeted exercises to relieve pain and tension in muscles and tissues.

Contact Us now

If you are looking for support and physical therapy for your child after being diagnosed with a neurological disease, do not hesitate to contact us. We will assess the condition and develop a customized treatment plan that suits your child’s needs and achieves the best results.