مركز مراحل العلاج

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder that affects the ability to focus and control behavior and movement. These disorders can be a major challenge for children and affect their performance in school and daily life.

Signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  • Difficulty paying attention and concentrating on tasks for long periods.
  • Hyperactivity and excessive movement.
  • Difficulty regulating behavior and emotions.
  • Excessive impulsivity and difficulty controlling impulses.

How can we help your child?

At Therapy Stages Center, we offer comprehensive programs to help children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, including:

Specialized assessment

The child’s condition is evaluated by developmental and behavioral therapists to determine the type of disorder and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Personalized treatment programs

We offer treatment programs tailored to each child based on their individual needs and level of development, with a focus on developing skills for focusing and controlling behavior.

Parental support

We provide support and guidance to parents on how to deal with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at home and in everyday settings.

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