مركز مراحل العلاج

Voice disorders

Voice disorders are problems that affect the ability to produce sound correctly and effectively. These disorders may also include difficulty breathing, forming words, and pronouncing letters and sounds correctly.

What are the causes of voice disorders?

اضطرابات النطق واللغة تشمل مجموعة متنوعة من المشاكل التي قد تواجه الأطفال في التعبير عن أنفسهم وفهم اللغة المنطوقة. من بين هذه الاضطرابات:

Structural abnormalities

These include abnormalities in the respiratory system or organs that affect the formation of sound, such as the larynx or tongue.

Growth and developmental disorders

Some children may have delayed development of verbal and vocal abilities.

Neurological disorders

Such as stroke or cerebral palsy, which may affect the child’s ability to produce sound and pronounce correctly.

How can we help your child?

At Therapy Stages Center, we offer specialized programs to evaluate and treat voice disorders in children. We begin by evaluating the condition and designing the appropriate treatment program. We then guide parents on how to provide appropriate support to their children so that the children’s improvement continues without relapse.

Comprehensive assessment

The case is evaluated by a specialized team to determine the type and extent of the disorder and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Therapeutic programs

 We provide training and therapeutic programs that aim to improve children’s voice and speech ability.

Parental support

 We provide support and guidance to parents on how to support the child at home to improve his vocal abilities.

Connect us

If you notice any voice or speech difficulties in your child, please do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation or to arrange an evaluation.